Monday, February 28, 2011


We finished our prezi completely. We started to write our speech. We finished documenting all of our 10 points and got them ready to turn in.


Today we worked on our prezi. We also decided that we would put a youtube video on our prezi since we can't do an actual solar power presentation.


We finished and turned in our persuassive essay. We also redid our research plan again. We found out that we can't get access to a solar power grill for our project, so we need to figure out what we're going to do instead.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Today I worked on finishing up the annotated bibliography. I also worked on starting to docoment some for the 20 requirements.


Today I watched The 30 Day Challenge: Off the Grid, which is going to be one of our linking texts. I also worked a lot more on the persuassive essay.


Today I worked on fixing our research plan, because we changed our ideas a little bit. I also need to change our annotated bibliography, because we picked a different anchor text.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today I spent the whole hour working on my persuassive essay. Reno wasn't here again, so for now I think it's going to be mostly me working on this project. I'm done with the annotated bibliography.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Reno still isn't here. I'm working on the persuasive essay some and just collecting research that we can use in our project. We finally talked to Mr. Picel and figured out what we want to do.


I'm trying to finish up the annotated bibliography. We still need to watch the 30 Day movie. We also need to start our persuasive essay.


Today we got together all of our anchor texts and linking texts and started to make the annotated bibliography. We still need to watch our 30 day movie, because it's probably going to be our anchor text.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today I worked on our annotated bibliography. I think that our anchor text or one of our linking texts will be a movie that is about going green and a community that is completely green and talk about what they did to help better themselves and the earth around them. I also got the idea to call isabella conservation district office to see what they can help us with.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Today Reno wasn't here, but I changed our plan up a little bit. Instead of helping out Mr. Picel we're going to try to make a public service announcement for people at the school and community to see. We also found a documentary for us to use as our linking text. We still need to find a good anchor text that we can use.